News & Notices

MFR Ethical Code

Few roles demand as much trust, courage, and integrity as that of a medical first responder.   Ensuring community safety, or  providing life-saving medical care, EHS Medical First Responders are on frontline of the EHS system along with the hundreds of…

Additional Funding for MFR Agency Substations

To: All MFR Agencies RE: Additional Equipment for MFR Substations MFR Services and the EHS MFR Stakeholders Committee is pleased to announce EHS has provided funding to support MFR agencies with satellite stations (or sub-stations) with an additional medical kit…

March MFR Update

As we near the end of winter and enter spring we would like to provide a small update here at EHS MFR and EHS Operations.  There are a few new faces at EHS and plenty of work going on at…

Zoll AED Information

Each Zoll AED3 shipped out by MFR Services for MFR agencies comes with one set of STAT pads and one set of UNI pads.  UNLESS the patient is a child, the STAT pads are to remain connected. The UNI (Universal)…

Phillips FRX AED Battery

The date on the Phillips FRX Battery shown on the sticker above the bar code is the to be installed date. Not the expiry date. If you have any questions regarding your AED battery please email [email protected]