News & Notices

Resumption of in-person MFR training

EHS MFR is happy to announce that MFR Facilitators may begin in-person training starting May 1st, 2022.  EHS MFR will continue to support MFR facilitators and agencies by providing learning materials, equipment and resourcing.  If your agency wishes to complete any…

eLEarning is Open in the Community Hub Members Section

EHS MFR e-Learning Module The MFR e-learning module is now up and running.  Be sure to log into the new Community Hub and see the two new “optional” e-learning opportunities.  You can find the e-learning section in the members menu…

March 23rd, 2022 – COVID Update

As you may already be aware, the Province has introduced Phase III of its COVID response, with changes to the mask mandate and gathering limits for the public.  It is important to note these changes do not apply to healthcare…

The New EHS MFR Community Hub is Open

We are happy to announce the responder and agency registration component to the MFR Community Hub is live (Tuesday, March 15, 2022). This new platform will replace the former MFR website platform for all aspects related to the management of your registration moving…

EHS MFR Photo Contest

All MFR Agencies and Responders: The launch date of the new MFR Community Hub is fast approaching! As you may have noticed, the home page now features an updated look and feel. Once the new management program, called Guild, is deployed,…