Greg Down

Greg Down

Zoll AED Information

Each Zoll AED3 shipped out by MFR Services for MFR agencies comes with one set of STAT pads and one set of UNI pads.  UNLESS the patient is a child, the STAT pads are to remain connected. The UNI (Universal)…

MFR Registration

During the COVID pandemic, MFR Services was not offering MFR in person training. Because of this, the MFR Registration requirements were changed as a one-time offer to renew any MFR that expired during the pandemic. MFR’s were instructed to log…

June Update: Transport Operators

To the MFR Community: Once again, we’ve received a number of inquiries regarding the EHS system hiring Transport Operators for our Patient Transfer Units and our Medical Transport Service. Not only is it important that Medical First Responders are kept…